Wednesday, August 31, 2005

G'day World - Wed Aug 31

This completes the morning posts on a warm but blustery Sydney morning. More throughout the day.

Sydney and it's Opera House is still in tact after anti-globalisation protesters failed to cause the disruption they had hoped. The non-achievers made little impact on the achievers who had gathered in Sydney for a business conference.

It is tough at the top, as King Mswati III of Swaziland would testify. He had to endure 50,000 topless virgins parading before him, vying to become his new queen.

The Telegraph (UK) reported "Legions of half-naked teenage girls danced, twirled and pounded the earth outside the royal kraal on Monday, proclaiming their willingness to become the next bride."

Last year the king spent almost $21.5 million on palaces and BMWs for his wives (he has 12 wives and one fiancee.) It's a tough job but someone has to do it.

Wherever you may be - be safe!